Gratefully, I grew up surrounded by love. My parents gave me everything; sports and music lessons, new dresses for all the big occasions, lots of support and firm talks...I knew they loved me, it was obvious. But as I got older and became more aware of their world, I questioned if they truly loved each other. 

My Father worked long hours, and a lot of times he wasn't part of the day-to-day household activity. My Mother, also working, dealt with us kids, the house, appointments, the tantrums, school meetings, grocery shopping...and I could tell, sometimes, that she was frustrated. And lonely. My Dad found it hard to prioritize spending intimate moments with my Mom...his work, providing for the family, being an amazing father...those things came first. He forgot important dates. Shopped for gifts at the last minute, if at all. And wasn’t expressive with his emotions, so words like “I love you” were scarce, and usually only showed up at Christmas or birthdays.

You see, he was romantically-incompetent. So, I became his “RC”, Romantic Coordinator. I was his date planner...plus, gift shopper and wrapper. Plus occasion reminder. +travel coordinator. +budget handler. +scheduler. +card writer. +coach. +cheering section. For the most part, he didn’t know what I was doing and how it all came together, but glad it was. My Mom was also. And in my small way, I was happy to help their relationship flourish romantically, and add some love and memories they could treasure forever.

Now that I’m married, 3 kids, pets, work, vacations to plan, people to see, repairs to make...the list just never ends...and, I get it. There is a misconception that love, on its own, will cure all.  I'm still learning, that the effort and attention needed to keep my relationship healthy and ever-growing is the most important "work" I will ever do. Everything that is most important to me depends on it. I imagine it is the exact same, for you. 

So here I am, operating as your "RC", Event Planner, and #LoveAdvocate, inspired to help others make their relationship a priority. So the love between you is forever.  And amazing.

Because what would the world be without ga-zillions of happy, inspired and love-full couples? A better world…a much better world.

So, that's a bit about me. Now, I'd love to hear more about you and your love story. Let’s get planning!

RIEP Dad, your love for people, helping ways, precision in your craft and adoration of throwing a kick-ass party, LIVES ON.