Rethink Your 2020 Goals

Relationship Goals #1 - BE THANKFUL

It’s all so cliché, right? It’s a new year, so of course you need to have a full blown, bulleted and color-coded resolutions or goals list that you pinned up on your fridge or bathroom mirror. With it also being a new decade, these goals are more lengthy and challenging than ever. Buy a house. Clear all debt. Get promoted to Level 8 role. And so on.  All great, formidable, progressive, and rewarding.  But, I was way more impressed with hearing about one gentleman’s goal, that he said, was his only priority for the year ahead.

‘Gregory’ was explaining all of the successes he had in 2019. Some were small, personal accomplishments he was able to complete on his own, and others were in his professional  and social circles. He’s accomplished in his field and lives a comfortable life.  Intelligent and ambitious, I could tell that he works hard for what he has and where he is in life. So when I asked him what he wanted to see happen for him in 2020, I truly felt goosebumps cover my body when he gave me his answer. Not at all what I thought he would ever say. Anyone for that matter, because I’ve never heard it said, like this, before.

“When I averaged out the amount of time I spent with my wife last year, it equaled less than one-third of the year, and that was mostly in bed, sleeping.”

“I worked so hard to surpass quotas, finish the deck, pay off the mortgage at the cottage and get voted onto a board in my area, that I completely neglected my wife, my marriage.  This was going on for a while and when she finally had the courage to tell me that she wanted to leave the relationship, it took me a while to even understand what her problem was. When I averaged out the amount of time I spent with my wife, it equaled less than one-third of the year, and that was mostly in bed, sleeping. The thought of living a life without her, when everything I was doing, I thought best for her, I realized that my priorities were in the wrong place. And that I needed to re-evaluate my life. What is/are my 2020 goals? I have one.  To find a way to show my wife love and affection every single day of the year. Without her, I have wasted time building things, but not us. And in the end, us, is all I can count on.”

Of course I asked how he planned to accomplish this and he gave a few examples. Call and text during the day. Do more things together, like grocery shopping or attending social events. Helping around the house. Regular date nights. He seemed to be completely serious and dedicated to changing his habits to see his marriage, of 13 years, work.  And it was music to my ears.  Inspiring, at best.  I knew that he can’t be the only person with the same thoughts, and it made me realize that no matter where we are in life at this very moment, we all have the opportunity to re-prioritize and focus our best efforts on the things that matter most. For Gregory, it is his wife and the love story they share.  What is your priority for 2020?

So, I’m not going to go on and on. I’m positive you get the gist. If I had one wish for your relationship this new year, BIG 2020, I want for you to find ways every day to make your relationship a priority and show each other the love you want in return, and the passion you each need to keep fighting for the love story you deserve to have. Be THANKFUL for your partner, the love between you and how far you’ve come already. Make each day new. You can’t do the same things and expect different results. And there is no better time to get serious about making changes that will better your life. Not because it’s a new year. But because it’s a new day, and you’re here to enjoy it.  Another BIG thank you. Getting real easy to be thankful, isn’t it?

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