Valentine's Ebenezer's allowed!

Valentines Day balloons

I get it. Valentine’s Day isn’t easy for everyone. For those who aren’t in relationships, and wish they were, February 14th can be a sore spot and another reminder of their desire to share a life with someone…who isn’t there. I get that seeing other couples laughing, being affectionate with each other and having fun together can be challenging. Some have lost their partners to sickness, break-ups or other life circumstances. And I’m sorry. Truly. And I wish nothing more than your relationship status to change and your soulmate finds you…and invigorates your body and mind. It’s coming. I pray.

But, for those in relationships, whether dating, engaged, married, common-law…I have no patience for this sad, broken-down attitude of people in relationships that defiantly bad-mouth Valentine’s Day. “That’s so passe”.  “Every day we should show each other love, what’s the big deal”. “We’ve been together for too long to keep celebrating Valentines”.  Sigh, with the side-eye.  These are my responses….

Appreciating and celebrating your love with your partner had an expiration date?

Valentines is the ONE day of the year that asks us to focus on our relationship, and all the reasons why we’re so fortunate to have someone by our side. Of course every day is the best time to show love and appreciation, but what’s wrong with having one day to highlight it, put some importance to what we can so easily take for granted.  Are we going to start diminishing the importance of, say Mother’s Day, because we should show love to our Queens every day, anyway?

Valentines Day Gift

Every day, is a big deal. And, if we get the opportunity to celebrate something, anything…I’m in. The way in which you celebrate is your choice, but please, celebrate. Do something, anything…with thought and care. Your effort will be reciprocated in ways you may never have imagined, and you would have added to the joy of your partners’ day.  Do what feels natural, and if you spend some time thinking it through, you will know just what to do in order to make Valentine’s Day, special.

So…I hope everyone has someone that they can celebrate with. And for all the couples, I hope that you put some thought and effort into letting your love know how much they mean to you. It is one day.  One that you’ll never get back and could be so memorable from even the most basic gestures you make. (If you can,

Wishing you a love-filled Valentine’s day that makes you smile and appreciate what, and who, you have in your life. One more day to #writeyourlovestory in the way you want to remember it.  

"Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get—only with what you are expecting to give—which is everything." Katherine Hepburn.